Surface and Source Idols
Paul says in Romans 1:22-23, “For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things.” Our hearts are, as the great theologian John Calvin said, idol factories. We have traded the glory of our Creator for his created things. In doing so we have made good things the best thing and turned things like our careers, bank accounts, friendships, spouse, kids into an idol.
Silence and Solitude
The great French mathematician Blaise Pascal once said, “All human unhappiness comes from not knowing how to stay quietly in a room.” This past Sunday we looked at 1 Samuel 3 and the events surrounding the Lord speaking to Samuel. Throughout the book of 1 Samuel (and subsequently 2 Samuel) we see how the Lord desires to speak to us and a failure to hear and to heed the Word of the Lord leads to disaster.
You Are What You Worship
This past Sunday, we worked through Hannah’s song (or prayer) in 1 Samuel 2:1–11. And in doing so we began to unpack the nature of worship - specifically the fact that all of us are created as worshipers. At the outset of the sermon, I referenced one (of what I think) is the most helpful books I’ve read on the nature of spiritual formation (i.e. discipleship) entitled You Are What You Love.
Mining the Depths of the Old Testament
Last October, our family took our first trip to Cape Breton. What an amazing time to be on the Island with the vast array of fall colours and the breathtaking scenery of the coastal drive. Many a friend prepped us with long lists of things to do, see, and eat. And one of those was a visit to Inverness beach.
Why I Am Excited About 1 Samuel
This Sunday we begin a new series in 1 Samuel entitled - A Search for a King. Full disclosure…I have been studying and sitting in 1 Samuel for the past year. So selfishly I wanted to unpack this passage together as a church. It is so rich with revelation about who God is and how he patiently labours alongside us in the midst of our sin. The book is immensely practical and deeply convincing. But in the end it leads us continually to the cross and the gracious redemptive work of our loving God who pursues us even when we run from him.