
Baptism Class

  Sunday, March 23rd
  12:00 - 1:00pm (After the Gathering)
   Sandy Lake Academy   Google Maps  |  Apple Maps

We believe that baptism is one of the first steps for followers of Jesus. It is an outward expression of an inward reality - the new life that one has in Jesus. If you have never taken this step we invite you to join us for our next Baptism Class on Sunday, March 23rd. In this 60-minute class you'll hear more about what we believe about baptism and have a chance to ask questions to see if this is what God is calling you to.


Basics_ Class

  Sunday, March 23rd
  12:00pm - 1:15pm
   Sandy Lake Academy   Google Maps  |  Apple Maps

Basics_ is your “next step” at Port City and your first step towards membership. This is a 90-minute introduction to all things Port City Church. Join us on Sunday, February 23rd right after our Sunday gathering to hear about who we are, how we got here, where we’re going, and how you can be a part of it. We’ll start with lunch and a chance for you to meet the Port City team.

Lunch is provided and childcare upon request.

Essentials_ Class

  Sunday, April 6th
  12:00pm - 1:15pm
   Sandy Lake Academy   Google Maps  |  Apple Maps

Essentials_ is the next step in membership. It is a one-hour deep dive into the doctrinal distinctives and convictions of Port City Church. This class is a requirement for membership and will be taught by the elders of Port City. We will unpack our statement of faith and help you move closer to joining the Port City family.

Lunch is provided and childcare upon request.