One of the dangers in our current Christian landscape is the dichotomy of those who are Christian versus those who are disciples.  We have unnecessarily and unbiblically created a subcategory of Christianity that would be foreign to the first century follower of Jesus.  John Mark Comer writes, “Contrary to what many assume, Jesus did not invite people to convert to Christianity.  He didn’t even call people to become Christians; he invited people to apprentice under him into a whole new way of living.  To be transformed.”

This summer as a church we will dive into what this “new way of living” is and how it can transform our whole lives.  We will be using John Mark Comer’s new resource: Practicing the Way.  Each week there will be a section of the book to read, an additional resource to watch, and a series of questions to delve into.  We encourage you to spend time with close friends, your spouse, or a small group to work through these questions each week.

Join us this summer as we embark together on the journey to be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and do what Jesus did.

Week 6

Read this:

Take Up Your Cross [pp.206-221]

Watch this:

An Interview with Andy Crouch

Discuss this:

  • What was one of the most challenging things you read from this book? And what is going to be your overall takeaway from Practising the Way?
  • What do you see as the “costs” in your life to following Jesus?
  • How does the statement - “we Fall and get up, fall and get up,fall and get up again” - reassure us as Christians in the process of apprenticing under Jesus?
  • Who is someone that you want to sit down and discuss what you’ve learned from this book? Make a game plan this week to set up a time to talk with him/her.
  • Take time this week to journal the following reflections. As you think through your journey with Jesus - from today onward:
    • What’s next?
    • What specific actions are you going to take?
    • What do you envision the next year, five years, ten years looking like as a result?
  • Click here for a free Spiritual Health Reflection and for the Practising the Way course. Completely free.

Week 6

Read this:

Take Up Your Cross [pp.206-221]

Watch this:

An Interview with Andy Crouch

Discuss this:

  • What was one of the most challenging things you read from this book? And what is going to be your overall takeaway from Practising the Way?
  • What do you see as the “costs” in your life to following Jesus?
  • How does the statement - “we Fall and get up, fall and get up,fall and get up again” - reassure us as Christians in the process of apprenticing under Jesus?
  • Who is someone that you want to sit down and discuss what you’ve learned from this book? Make a game plan this week to set up a time to talk with him/her.
  • Take time this week to journal the following reflections. As you think through your journey with Jesus - from today onward:
    • What’s next?
    • What specific actions are you going to take?
    • What do you envision the next year, five years, ten years looking like as a result?
  • Click here for a free Spiritual Health Reflection and for the Practising the Way course. Completely free.

Week 5

Read this:

How? A Rule of Life [pp.156-205]

Watch this:

How? A Rule of Life

Discuss this:

  • How does a rule of life Guard and Guide your Life?
  • As you think though the “4 things a rule of Life will do for you” (from page 168 to 173) - list out specific ways a rule could help you grow in your walk with Jesus.
  • From the “Nine Practices” (on pages 181-190), which do you find most helpful? Which do you find easy to implement currently in your life? Which are missing?
  • As you reflect on the nine spiritual temperaments listed, which do you think applies to you? How has that shaped your spiritual formation?
  • Read Romans 12:1 and then reflect on why repetition is critical for spiritual formation? Where have you seen this play out in your own life?
  • What is the one small step you can take this week in practising the way?

Week 5

Read this:

How? A Rule of Life [pp.156-205]

Watch this:

How? A Rule of Life

Discuss this:

  • How does a rule of life Guard and Guide your Life?
  • As you think though the “4 things a rule of Life will do for you” (from page 168 to 173) - list out specific ways a rule could help you grow in your walk with Jesus.
  • From the “Nine Practices” (on pages 181-190), which do you find most helpful? Which do you find easy to implement currently in your life? Which are missing?
  • As you reflect on the nine spiritual temperaments listed, which do you think applies to you? How has that shaped your spiritual formation?
  • Read Romans 12:1 and then reflect on why repetition is critical for spiritual formation? Where have you seen this play out in your own life?
  • What is the one small step you can take this week in practising the way?

Week 4

Read this:

Goal #3: Do What Jesus Did [pp.118-155]

Watch this:

Do as Jesus Did

Discuss this:

  • Think about something that you have learned from someone else - in that learning process what did that person (a parent, teacher, coach, etc…) do that helped you learn?
  • How does the “doing” that Comer talks about differ from the “doing” we often hear about in a more legalistic context?
  • Which of the three rhythms stood out most and why? Which of the three needs more focused attention during this season of your life?
  • Create an action step: look at the list of practices for “preaching the gospel in our culture” on pp.138-143. Which of these can you begin or further apply right now in the context which God has placed you.
  • Read 1 Corinthians 10:31 - how does viewing your work as a ministry of love change the way you view your 9-5? How would approaching your work every day in this way specifically change the way you work?

Week 4

Read this:

Goal #3: Do What Jesus Did [pp.118-155]

Watch this:

Do as Jesus Did

Discuss this:

  • Think about something that you have learned from someone else - in that learning process what did that person (a parent, teacher, coach, etc…) do that helped you learn?
  • How does the “doing” that Comer talks about differ from the “doing” we often hear about in a more legalistic context?
  • Which of the three rhythms stood out most and why? Which of the three needs more focused attention during this season of your life?
  • Create an action step: look at the list of practices for “preaching the gospel in our culture” on pp.138-143. Which of these can you begin or further apply right now in the context which God has placed you.
  • Read 1 Corinthians 10:31 - how does viewing your work as a ministry of love change the way you view your 9-5? How would approaching your work every day in this way specifically change the way you work?

Week 3

Read this:

Goal #2: Become Like Jesus [pp.64-117]

Watch this:

Become Like Jesus

Discuss this:

  • Ecclesiestes 7:4 says, “Someone who is always thinking about happiness is a fool. A wise person thinks about death.” Why is remembering our frailty and limited time on earth help frame up our goals and ambitions on this side of eternity?
  • As you reflect on this last chapter and your reading up to this point what is one thing that has been challenging/encouraging/helpful?
  • Comer notes that we are all being formed by something. As you do an honest evaluation of your life, what are some of the things that are forming us that are not Christ?
  • Which of the “losing strategies” do you find yourself most susceptible to falling into and why?
  • How does a biblical and helpful view of sin create a pathway for great spiritual formation?
  • Reflect on Comer’s theory of change (see pp.101-117) - how was this most helpful in thinking about your journey of spiritual formation?

Week 3

Read this:

Goal #2: Become Like Jesus [pp.64-117]

Watch this:

Become Like Jesus

Discuss this:

  • Ecclesiestes 7:4 says, “Someone who is always thinking about happiness is a fool. A wise person thinks about death.” Why is remembering our frailty and limited time on earth help frame up our goals and ambitions on this side of eternity?
  • As you reflect on this last chapter and your reading up to this point what is one thing that has been challenging/encouraging/helpful?
  • Comer notes that we are all being formed by something. As you do an honest evaluation of your life, what are some of the things that are forming us that are not Christ?
  • Which of the “losing strategies” do you find yourself most susceptible to falling into and why?
  • How does a biblical and helpful view of sin create a pathway for great spiritual formation?
  • Reflect on Comer’s theory of change (see pp.101-117) - how was this most helpful in thinking about your journey of spiritual formation?

Week 2

Read this:

Goal #1: Be with Jesus [pp.35-63]

Watch this:

Be With Jesus

Discuss this:

  • Read John 15. What does Jesus mean when he talks about abiding in him?
  • Amidst our busy and hectic lives how can we practically abide in Jesus on a daily, weekly, monthly basis?
  • What “abiding” practices do you currently have set up as rhythms in your life? How have you seen these practices forming you (be specific)?
  • What additional or new “abiding” practices (e.g. silence or solitude) do you see a need for in your life? What practical next steps can you take to begin implementing.
  • Sketch out a game plan and then make sure to share that with a friend. (Note: make this game plan into a prayer request as you ask the Lord to give you the discipline and direction to apply in your life).

Week 1

Read this:

Apprentice to Jesus [pp.xviii-31]

Watch this:

Apprentice to Jesus

Discuss this:

  • All of us are following something or someone in our life: in our context what are some of those things? Which on that list are you susceptible to following?
  • Thinking ahead to the next 10, 20, 30 years of your life - what type of person do you want to become? Create a clear written visual of this person that you desire to be formed into.
  • Comer says, "disciple is a noun not a verb" - what's the distinction and why does this matter for followers of Jesus?
  • Reflecting on the three goals of an apprentice (be with Jesus, become like him, do as he did) - which are you most looking forward to unpacking for your life and why?
  • Thinking about that 10,20,30 year vision for your life and the process of apprenticing to Jesus - what steps do you need to take in the immediate to begin moving you in the direction of becoming that type of person (note: turn this response into a prayer to God - to form you into this type of man or woman).