A New Creation for a New Year
As we step into the beginning of a new year, there's something exhilarating about the idea of starting fresh. New Year’s resolutions, planners with blank pages, and the anticipation of what’s to come fill us with hope. It’s a season of newness, where we let go of the past and look ahead. This theme resonates deeply with the truth found in 2 Corinthians 5:17: "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." Today, we’ll reflect on how this verse not only offers hope for the year ahead but for every single day of our lives as followers of Christ.
The Parable of the Talents
Is it possible to waste your life? The Bible clearly warns us about this possibility. But we also see how it’s the gospel that compels us to live a life that is anything but wasted. This week we unpack Jesus’ parable from Matthew 25 to see how it is to live a life that God calls us to and to steward all the things—our time, our talent, treasures, and the gospel itself—that God has so richly blessed us with.
Jesus is Better
What the writer of the book of Hebrews promises us is that in the midst of life’s greatest victories and in the valley of life’s greatest difficulties – Jesus is better. As we leave behind the disappointments and failures of 2023 and we anticipate the successes and achievements of 2024 we must cling tightly to this truth. Jesus is better... the rest is just details.
Thorn in the Flesh
Weakness. Everything in our culture tells us that we are to run from, avoid, and eliminate all forms of weakness in our life. And yet the Bible tells that it is through weakness that God’s power is most evidently displayed in our life. As we look at Paul’s words to the 2 Corinthians we learn how the Christian life is not about self-sufficiency but Christ-dependency.
Generous Justice
As Followers of Jesus we are not saved to pool God’s grace but to create a pipeline from which that grace flows. Our aim as a church is to engage the mission of God in our homes, our city, and around the world. This week we go to the book of Amos to see God's biblical mandate for justice and the gospel motivation for being a just people.
The Lost Sheep
At Port City Church we pursue the one. The Apostle Paul says in Philippians 2 that Jesus "emptied Himself, by taking the form of a servant being born in the likeness of men." Jesus is the Good Shepherd who left the 99 in pursuit of the one. This week we unpack Matthew 18 and hear how we, as a church, do everything with purpose, from the parking lot to the pulpit, from the sacred spaces to the common places, in pursuit of the one.
From Outcast to Evangelist
The mission of Port City Church is to help others encounter Jesus and follow his way. That means, as a church, we exist to engage our neighbourhoods and our city with the gospel so that many people will have a life changing encounter with Jesus. One of the greatest encounters with Jesus in the Scriptures is found in John 4. This week we’ll see how Jesus changed the entire trajectory of a desperate and destitute woman’s life.