At Port City Church:
The Apostle Paul says in Philippians 2 that Jesus “emptied Himself, by taking the form of a servant being born in the likeness of men.” Jesus is the Good Shepherd who left the 99 in pursuit of the one (Matt. 18:12). Therefore, as a church, we do everything with purpose, from the parking lot to the pulpit, from the sacred spaces to the common places, in pursuit of the one.
Jesus’ desire for His followers is that they would live out a vibrant and Spirit-empowered Christian life (Acts 1:8; Rom. 8:11). We were never meant to live life on the sidelines but fully in the game. At Port City Church, active faith is applied when we follow the way of Jesus: being with Him, becoming like Him, and then doing what He did.
Followers of Jesus are not saved to pool God’s grace but to create a pipeline from which that grace flows. Jesus’ last words (Matt. 28:18-20) are lasting words and they push us to engage the mission urgently and aggressively in our homes, city, and around the world. That means we are willing to forsake comfort, control, and familiarity in order to chart into the unknown and take risks because Jesus is worth it.
The gospel is the greatest news that has ever been broadcasted in the history of humanity. It is also humanity’s only real hope (Rom. 1:16) because it declares that Jesus is Lord and that His death paid the penalty for sin, and in His resurrection He defeated sin and death (I Cor. 15). Therefore, as a church, we take great care in making sure this message is the centrepiece and the driver for everything we do.