Summer Read: Week #7
Read this:
Chapter #7 (Grow into an emotional healthy adult)
Discuss or reflect on this:
Grab a journal, some friends, or your spouse and spend a few minutes reflecting on the reading from this week. Use these reflections questions to help you see what the Lord is teaching you and how He might be calling you to go deeper in this particular area.
What stood out to you or challenged you most from the reading this week?
Go through each of the emotional stages outlined on pp.168-170 (i.e. emotional infant, emotional children, etc…) - do an honest evaluation of where you think you are at.
Look on pp.175-177 and reflect on how you typically handle conflict? Think of a recent situation where there was conflict in your life. How did you respond? Were there aspects of that situation you handled with emotional maturity? What areas of dealing with conflict do you see your need to grow?
What is an area of unmet expectations you are experiencing in your life right now? Using the method outlined on pp.182-184 how can you begin to deal more emotionally healthy in this area? Who do you need to talk to and what needs to be communicated in that conversation?
What tools from this chapter did you find most helpful? How can you specifically apply one of the tools/methods outlined in this chapter in the next week?
Pray through this:
As you go throughout your week, spend some time praying through what the Lord is teaching you. Grab a sticky note or your journal and jot down these prayer points and re-visit them throughout the week.
Begin by taking 2 minutes to be silent before the Lord. Embrace the difficulty of being completely silent and learn to listen to the Lord before speaking to Him.
Ask God to help reveal areas in your life where you struggle to demonstrate emotional maturity. Be open and honest as the Spirit reveals areas in your life knowing that God’s grace abounds and forgiveness and growth is His desire for your life.
Pray that God would give you the courage to make the changes you need in the way you relate to others (i.e. to love maturely by treating yourself and others as a “though” rather than an “it”.
If there is a specific area of conflict or unmet expectations that need to be addressed - pray that God would grant you the wisdom in how to deal with that and the courage to have the conversation.