Romans 8:31-39
In a new year we often need to be reminded of two simple yet profound truths. One that God loves you and two that you have security in your salvation. Often the circumstances of life, the challenges and hardships we face can cause us to think otherwise – that God doesn’t care, let alone love us. This can often lead to doubt – doubt in the gospel and the saving work of Jesus. Do you ever question your eternal security as a Christian? Wonder, 'God, do you really love me?' These final verses in Romans chapter 8 bring great clarity and good news to those who are in Christ.

Romans 8:18-30
The New Year isn’t a magical reset button for the circumstances of your life. Most people go through life constantly disappointed, constantly frustrated, constantly angry because the difficult and painful circumstances of their life haven’t changed. So when you wake up and realise that cancer is still ravaging your body, your marriage is still broken, you’re still marginalised at work because of your faith, your child is still misbehaving, or you're still depressed… What do you do? Paul gives us the answer here in Romans 8.

Romans 8:1-17
How does one man’s suffering 2000 years ago on a cross have anything to do with my life today? Well, in what is said to be the greatest chapter in all the Bible, Romans 8 unpacks this question for us. Christian, there is indeed, no condemnation, for those who are in Christ Jesus, and because there is no condemnation in Christ there’s indeed no separation from Christ. Jesus died to take away the penalty, power, and one day the presence of sin in your life. The question is, do you believe that?