Messages from

The Promised King

A Study in the Book of Ruth

Ruth 4:13-22
The Promised King, Ep 04 NewSprings The Promised King, Ep 04 NewSprings

Ruth 4:13-22

Our life resembles that of a journey and more often than not we want our life to look like that of a straight and flat Saskatchewan road.  A road that is open, straight, no sudden turns, lots of opportunity to see what’s around us but more importantly what’s in front of us.  However, if you haven’t realized this yet, life is a journey with twists, turns, and switchbacks (like driving through Banff).  The final chapter of Ruth is meant to give us encouragement and hope that all the perplexing turns are going somewhere good and to help us see with clarity that God is for you and working out his good plan in your life.

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Ruth 3:1-18; 4:1-12
The Promised King, Ep 03 NewSprings The Promised King, Ep 03 NewSprings

Ruth 3:1-18; 4:1-12

Every one of us is trusting in something to take care of us and that thing that you put the weight of their life on.  Our intellect, our job, our health, our friends at school cannot ultimately be trusted to take care of every part of our life.  The book of Ruth reminds us in a very clear and pointed way that at every turn and in every situation God is in control.  He is weaving his plan for your life.  When you begin to see this you learn that it is only God who you can trust with every part of your life.

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Ruth 2:1-23
The Promised King, Ep 02 NewSprings The Promised King, Ep 02 NewSprings

Ruth 2:1-23

Many of us find ourselves asking, “Is this really all there is? Is this what life has come to?" The book of Ruth gives us a glimpse beneath the surface of circumstances to see God’s plans and purposes.

In Ruth 2, we see the plans, the provisions, and the positionings of the main characters (Ruth, Naomi, Boaz) and how God carries out a deeper plan, deeper provision, and deeper positioning that ultimately points to what comes to us in a person–our Promised King Jesus Christ. In the Gospel, the coming of Christ is revealed as God’s plan for you, God’s provision for you, and God’s position for you as His child.

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Ruth 1:1-22
The Promised King, Ep 01 NewSprings The Promised King, Ep 01 NewSprings

Ruth 1:1-22

How many of us have ever wondered… God where are you?  God what are you up to right now?  God are you even real?  God why is all of this happening in my life?  The book of Ruth reminds us that when all hope seemed lost God was still in control as he sent The Promised King to redeem us.   This gives us the assurance that regardless of how our circumstances appear… God is still working when it seems least likely that he’s at work. And so for any of us that have ever wondered or struggled to see God’s work in our life…the book of Ruth speaks loudly and clearly to us.

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