Messages from


A Study in the Book of Acts

Acts 1:1-11
Movement, Ep 01 Jeremy Dager Movement, Ep 01 Jeremy Dager

Acts 1:1-11

One thing that is true of human nature is that we all want to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. It’s hard wired in us. This is why we fight for certain causes or give lots of our time and energy to certain initiatives. The truth is we want our life to count for something more.  We love the idea of being caught up in something that is bigger than us.  That’s the nature of a movement.  Movements move and if we’re honest with ourselves we want to move with them, which is why the book of Acts is so vital. Not only does it outline the beginning of the greatest movement in human history - it invites you and I into that movement.  It beckons us to be a part of it and to be swept up into the grandeur of what God has, is, and will do through His Church.

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